Surgeon simulator ~ Cahya Games - Free games download for android

Sunday 2 August 2015

Surgeon simulator
Added: 02-08-2015

DOWNLOAD 4.0.4 [Apk]

English :
Surgeon simulator - a crazy surgeon shreds his patient, or rather a victim, on a surgical table. The hero of this Android game, a bloody surgeon, has a lot of tools he can use, for example scalpels, saws, hammers and so on. He will find use for all of them. He'll cut out such spare organs as heart, liver, and intestine. He thinks these organs are much better on the ground or surrounding furniture than inside the body. If he's tired of operating room he'll operate patients right on gurney.

Indonesian :
Surgeon simulator -  seorang ahli bedah gila cabik pasiennya, atau lebih tepatnya korban, di atas meja bedah. Pahlawan game ini Android, seorang ahli bedah berdarah, memiliki banyak alat yang dapat digunakan, misalnya pisau bedah, gergaji, palu dan sebagainya. Dia akan menemukan digunakan untuk mereka semua. Dia akan memotong organ cadang seperti jantung, hati, dan usus. Dia pikir organ-organ ini jauh lebih baik di tanah atau furnitur di sekitarnya dari dalam tubuh. Jika dia bosan ruang operasi dia akan mengoperasikan pasien tepat di brankar.

Game features:

  • Colorful graphics
  • 50 different achievements

Screenshot :


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