Zombie objective ~ Cahya Games - Free games download for android

Saturday 4 July 2015

Zombie objective
Action 3D Shooter
Added: 04-07-2015


English :
Zombie objective - the city has been swallowed by the zombie apocalypse. Hordes of walking dead filled the streets and are attacking the survivors. Destroy the monsters and try to stay alive. Destroy hordes of zombies in various ways in this Android game. Chop their heads off with machetes and axes. Shoot the monsters with your sniper rifle from a long range. Mow them down with rifle rounds and machine guns. Grenades, mines and everything that slows them down will help you destroy large groups of zombies. Modern armor and medikits will help you survive. Don't let the monsters get to you!

Indonesian :
Zombie objective - kota telah ditelan kiamat zombie. Gerombolan berjalan mati memenuhi jalan-jalan dan menyerang korban. Hancurkan monster dan mencoba untuk tetap hidup. Hancurkan gerombolan zombie dalam berbagai cara dalam game Android ini. Memotong kepala mereka off dengan parang dan kapak. Menembak monster dengan senapan sniper Anda dari jarak jauh. Memotong mereka turun dengan putaran senapan dan senapan mesin. Granat, tambang dan segala sesuatu yang memperlambat mereka akan membantu Anda menghancurkan kelompok besar zombie. Armor modern dan medikits akan membantu Anda bertahan. Jangan biarkan monster sampai ke Anda!

Game features:

  • 7 locations
  • 7 game modes
  • 12 types of zombies
  • 21 weapon types
  • Different equipment

Screenshot :

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