ZENONIA 5 [Online and Offline] ~ Cahya Games - Free games download for android

Saturday 4 July 2015

RPG Action
Added: 04-07-2015

DOWNLOAD [apk offline]

English :
ZENONIA 5 is an excellent Action RPG! There was a great war, having the aim to restore peace and harmony for humanity; but greed and selfishness broke people's hearts over the years. The rich elite became exploiting the poor and a great kingdom of darkness began. Besides, monsters and demons inundated the world and tormented ordinary people. In the game you will have an opportunity to select one of characters: Berserker, Mechanic, Mage and Paladin. Every character is good enough in his own way and has his unique skills, thanks to which he can cope with evil spirits, and become the only hope for salvation of the exhausted people. In the game you will fight with the most various monsters, gain experience, earn money, and reveal mysteries. You have to upgrade your character and his weapons. Pay more attention to the game's peculiarities, weapon characteristics and a variety of game objects in particular. In addition to exciting gameplay you will also have the opportunity to participate in battles against real opponents in ZENONIA 5. The game graphic is perfectly executed.

Indonesian :
ZENONIA 5 adalah RPG Action sangat baik! Ada perang besar, memiliki tujuan untuk memulihkan perdamaian dan harmoni bagi kemanusiaan; tapi keserakahan dan keegoisan patah hati orang selama bertahun-tahun. Elit kaya menjadi mengeksploitasi orang miskin dan kerajaan besar kegelapan dimulai. Selain itu, monster dan setan tergenang dunia dan disiksa orang-orang biasa. Dalam permainan Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk memilih salah satu karakter: Berserker, Mechanic, Mage dan Paladin. Setiap karakter cukup baik dengan caranya sendiri dan memiliki keterampilan yang unik, berkat yang ia dapat mengatasi roh-roh jahat, dan menjadi satu-satunya harapan untuk keselamatan rakyat kelelahan. Dalam permainan Anda akan bertarung dengan paling berbagai monster, mendapatkan pengalaman, mendapatkan uang, dan mengungkapkan misteri. Anda harus meng-upgrade karakter Anda dan senjatanya. Lebih memperhatikan kekhasan permainan, karakteristik senjata dan berbagai benda permainan pada khususnya. Selain gameplay menarik Anda juga akan memiliki kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pertempuran melawan musuh yang nyata di Zenonia 5. Permainan grafis sempurna dieksekusi.

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