Wars and battles [Free] ~ Cahya Games - Free games download for android

Friday 3 July 2015

Wars and battles
Mob.org offers Android game Wars and battles for free download.
Strategy Online
Added: 04-07-2015


English :
Wars and battles - choose your side in the conflict and take part in historical battles like Normandy landings or October War of 1973. 
Show your strategy talent commanding armies in this game for Android. Move tank brigades, infantry divisions, and other military units around the battlefield. Surround the enemy and attack suddenly. Ask for the support of artillery, aviation, or navy. Crush the enemy defenses and turn the course of history. Fight against the AI or against other players from around the world.

Indonesian :
Wars and battles - memilih sisi Anda dalam konflik dan mengambil bagian dalam pertempuran bersejarah seperti pendaratan Normandia atau Perang Oktober 1973.
Menunjukkan bakat strategi Anda memerintah tentara di game ini untuk Android. Brigade bergerak tank, divisi infanteri, dan unit militer lain di sekitar medan perang. Mengelilingi musuh dan menyerang secara tiba-tiba. Meminta dukungan artileri, penerbangan, atau biru tua. Menghancurkan pertahanan musuh dan mengubah jalannya sejarah. Melawan AI atau melawan pemain lain dari seluruh dunia. 

Game features:
  • 4 large-scale battles
  • 50 scenarios in the campaign
  • Turn-based battles
  • Different types of troops

Screenshot :

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