DomiNations v1.3.62 ~ Cahya Games - Free games download for android

Tuesday 7 July 2015

DomiNations v1.3.62
Strategy Online
Added: 07-07-2015

DOWNLOAD [apk] Android 3.0
DOWNLOAD [Zip] Android 3.0

English :
DomiNations - global real time strategy by Big Huge Games studio with great story line. Choose your faction, and lead it through historical periods, developing your nation, creating Wonders of the World, and fighting enemies. The time coverage is enormous - from the Stone Age to the modern world. All subsequent historical cycles will be included as add-ons. Take a role of the leader, control an entire civilization, form alliances, or conquer other nations.

Indonesian :
DomiNations - global yang strategi real time oleh Big Huge Game Studio dengan alur cerita yang besar. Pilih faksi Anda, dan memimpin melalui periode sejarah, mengembangkan bangsa Anda, menciptakan Keajaiban Dunia, dan melawan musuh. Cakupan waktu yang sangat besar - dari Zaman Batu ke dunia modern. Semua siklus sejarah selanjutnya akan dimasukkan sebagai add-ons. Mengambil peran pemimpin, mengendalikan seluruh peradaban, membentuk aliansi, atau menaklukkan negara-negara lain.

Game features:

  • Absorbing gameplay
  • Various locations
  • Good controls
  • Colorful graphics

Screenshot :


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