Dark slayers ~ Cahya Games - Free games download for android

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Dark slayers
Fighting RPG
Added: 07-07-2015

DOWNLOAD [apk] Android 1.6
DOWNLOAD [Zip] Android 1.6

English :
Dark Slayer Ex - balance Violation between the good and evil will cause world absorption by evil powers. Adventures of the fantasy world, saturated with love, romanticism, friendship and a mass of emotions wait for you!

Indonesian :
Dark Slayer Ex - keseimbangan Pelanggaran antara yang baik dan yang jahat akan menyebabkan penyerapan dunia oleh kekuatan jahat. Petualangan dunia fantasi, jenuh dengan cinta, romantisme, persahabatan dan massa emosi menunggu untuk Anda!

Game Features:
  • Fight between users on a network with use of fighting maps
  • Magnificent story
  • Fascinating quests
  • Beautiful fantastic high-quality graphics
  • Excellent interface

Screenshot :

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